
From mid-February to March, I spent more time on writing, often after my daughter goes to sleep as she keeps me busy during day hours. I also managed to find time to read books.

I have just finished reading The Cavansite Conspiracy by Manjiri Prabhu, a very thrilling story. I love thrillers and I couldn't stop reading once I began reading the story. The review will be on my book blog soon.

Now, I am reading Dipen Ambalia's LOSER: The Life of a Software Engineer. A very different kind of a book and I am enjoying his humor writing to the core. When I read with my baby in hand, she turns to look at my face as I can't stop laughing as I read through most of the pages. I interviewed Dipen recently for techgoss and it's his first interview! Since techgoss asked for the interview before the book was launched, I didn't have the opportunity to interview Dipen based on his work. Wish I'd read his book before I interviewed him... perhaps, next time and I'll have more questions for him. Wait for LOSER: The Life of a Software Engineer's book review too.

Happy reading!

PS: What are you reading now? Would like to hear your thoughts.


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