
Showing posts from March, 2012

Book Review: The Cavansite Conspiracy by Manjiri Prabhu

The book review of 'The Cavansite Conspiracy' is already up in my book and author blog ( ). Title: The Cavansite Conspiracy Author: Manjiri Prabhu Pages: 261 Price: Rs. 195 Publisher: Rupa Publications Excerpt from my review: Being fond of making guesses each time I read a thriller, I made guesses here too, but except two characters, I couldn’t find the ‘real faces’ until I read the whole story.  There were several surprising twists in the novel and the end was very unpredictable. The story, narrated in simple language and with a good flow, keeps the reader guessing until the end of the story. The romance too didn’t have unnecessary ‘masalas’. The romance in between the suspense kept the story exciting. The fast-paced story takes place within 48 hours and yet, Manjiri has done justice to the storyline and the characters. A very well-written story, ‘The Cavansite Conspiracy’ will remain in my bookshelf forever and will...


From mid-February to March, I spent more time on writing, often after my daughter goes to sleep as she keeps me busy during day hours. I also managed to find time to read books. I have just finished reading The Cavansite Conspiracy by Manjiri Prabhu , a very thrilling story. I love thrillers and I couldn't stop reading once I began reading the story. The review will be on my book blog soon. Now, I am reading Dipen Ambalia's LOSER: The Life of a Software Engineer . A very different kind of a book and I am enjoying his humor writing to the core. When I read with my baby in hand, she turns to look at my face as I can't stop laughing as I read through most of the pages. I interviewed Dipen recently for techgoss and it's his first interview! Since techgoss asked for the interview before the book was launched, I didn't have the opportunity to interview Dipen based on his work. Wish I'd read his book before I interviewed him... perhaps, next time and I'll have ...