Nine years and still in love with writing!

Nine years ago, till January 13, 6:30 am, I didn't know if my then dream would come true. I had even lost hope of turning my dream into reality. And past 6:30 am, I was delighted to see the main story of Metro Plus, The Hindu (Thiruvanthapuram edition). My first story was published - The Neo-Homework (by Resmi Shaji)!

The day marked my career destiny.. and now, 9 years later, working part-time; I've worked for over 80 publications, in print and online, in India and abroad. (Counting the supplements of The Hindu, the series of Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul and other publications, the number would exceed 90 publications!) This year, I celebrate the success with my husband, my 6-month old daughter, parents and my brother!

Formal education in creative writing begins...

For nearly 8 years, I never felt the desire for a formal education in creative writing or journalism.. but somehow the passion for studying further hit me in Oct 2010. Personal life made me postpone my studies further. In Nov 2011, I enrolled for 'Diploma in creative writing in english' (IGNOU). Waiting for the enrollment procedure to be over and books to arrive. I've no idea how much the course will benefit me, but I simply love to learn. I hope to do more courses, in the coming years.. And the mystery continues- whether I'd study or my daughter - who love to read newspaper every morning along with my husband or I and love to tear papers to bits!!!

And this year, I hopelessly hope to finish my first non-fiction book! (a long-cherished dream, I'd to keep postponing for varied reasons).


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