WriterGhostwriter: Announcing New Blog

We launched a new blog : http://writerghostwriter.wordpress.com for our writing services. The new blog will have articles related to writing and photography and give insight on why should one hire a writer for various purposes. You will also find more about our writing ventures. As we progress, we may add more sections. The blog will have articles related to writing, publishing, ghostwriting, blogging, social media marketing and others.
Both my brother, Roop Shaji and I will write articles for the new blog.


i am eagerly waiting to read your new blog post that related to ghostwriting....
Anonymous said…
Great initiative, Resmi. Best of luck for this!
Resmi Jaimon said…
@Enterprise - Glad to hear you are are waiting to read ghostwriting articles. Ghostwriting related articles will appear only in our new blog : http://writerghostwriter.wordpress.com
Resmi Jaimon said…
@ Gargi, Thanks for your wishes. :)

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