Title: Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul - Teens Talk Growing Up Author :Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Aarti Katoch Pathak Publisher: Westland Ltd. Price : Rs.195 Chicken Soup for the Soul – has always been very close to my heart since I started writing during early 2000’s. I always dreamt to be published in the book and I was successfully able to sell stories to the Indian series of the book for 8 or 9 titles. Each titles brings smile to my lips and I wait eagerly to read the stories. And here’s the latest – Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul – Teens Talk Growing Up! Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul – Teens Talk Growing Up, is a perfect combination of 101 stories, and as the title says ‘inspiring stories about meeting challenges and learning from life.’ There are times you find a friend in the most unexpected person, or someone you hated so far. Teenage is a time of confusion or lack of self-confidence. However, with proper support, teens can go ...