
Showing posts from June, 2010

Femina :' Dreams in Print ' made it to 'one of the best' stories

My story "Dreams in Print" ( ) is selected as one of the best stories in Femina online. Have made it to the final three in this category. ( )

Facebook Page : Join me in facebook

I've created a page in facebook, to promote my services and share my success stories and writing related thoughts. Join me in facebook! Indian Chronicle You can also join my facebook page to follow Indian Chronicle Blog.

70th and 71st publication in June 2010

The number of publications in which my articles/features/interviews have been published, touched 71 yesterday. Early this month, I started writing for a matrimonial blog, as a ghostwriter. The 71st publication is Techgoss. You can read the interview I had with Ms.Debarati Halder, Managing Director, Centre for Cyber Victim Counseling ’ (CCVC), for Techgoss at . In July 2010, the much-awaited and long pending feature is appearing in a career magazine. And that'll hit  the 72th publication! Awaiting the century mark.

Article: Blogging for Boosting Business

Do you own a small or medium sized or large sized business? Or are you the proud owner of home business? As long as you have a business and a product or service to promote, you may need a blog. This article tells you why your businesses should have a blog. You can buy this article to know the basics or you can purchase this article to publish in your blog, magazine, newspaper, website, portal or to teach someone about the basics of business blog. I'll mail you the article, once I receive the payment. If you are buying to publish, send me an email to discuss rates and copyright. Otherwise, buy the article now for $2.50 !

Report : Volvo Ocean Race, Kochi Stopover - India's Pride

I'm launching a 26-page report with photographs, titled 'V olvo Ocean Race, Kochi Stopover - India's Pride. ' The blog I maintained for the occasion, (the only blog (unofficial) for Kochi stopover), continued to give hits post the event. And it was the blog, even without promotion, got the maximum number of hits, among the three blogs I own. From now, the blog will be accessible only for those who buy my report.  For $4.50, you will have access to both the report as well as the blog. Buy the report now and save $1. Introductory offer: I'm offering the report at a discounted price - that's for $3.50. Offer closes on June 30, 2010.