List of articles published in i.t magazine (Electronics For You - EFY) and the available reprint rights as well as dates are mentioned under each heading. For further discussion of any of the following articles, contact me at resmi (dot) writer (at) gmail (dot) com. 1. Online Video Entertainment Networks in India (November 2007) With the top end of the market cutting back on televsion viewing, the best place to catch the big-spending, early adopters, could be on their laptops or PC's. - Reprint rights (text) available 2. Smart and Adaptive Homes (February 2008) The story takes a peek into how a smart home work, the technology behind the smart homes and how practical are they? To discuss further about this story's availablity, contact me offline. - Reprint rights (text) available 3. Now The Police Has A Mobile Aide (May 2008) MobMe's mobile crime and accident reporting platform (MCARP), developed especially for police departments, allows them to deal with crimes, acciden...